Basic BioResonance Scanning™ Workshop
Hansa Center for Optimum Health
Wichita, KS
Hansa Center for Optimum Health
Wichita, KS
February 17-19

Have you ever stood in a health food store and been overwhelmed with the vast selection of possible remedies?
Have you ever wondered if your medicine or supplement is still needed, how much to take, or if it’s even working?
While not designed to turn you into a doctor, this class is designed to empower you to take charge of your own healthcare.
People of all ages have learned this testing. Children as young as ten years old have learned how to test in this way! No previous healthcare knowledge is required.
Throughout this class, you will learn:
• The philosophy and science behind Bio-Resonance Scanning™.
• Energy Medicine concepts and principles.
• Three different methods to muscle test without a Resonator.
• Basic handmodes for testing more precisely.
Also learn and use practical tools to:
• Self-test and test your family using muscle testing, anytime and any place.
• Determine what is wrong -- bacterial, viral, fungal, allergic reaction, or chemical toxicity.
• Determine what remedy will work.
• Find out how much of a remedy or supplement you should take, and how often.
• Use BRS to treat yourself or your family without using any remedies.
• Determine what foods you are allergic to and how to correct the allergy.
• Use essential oils to address virtually any problem.
** Doctor office visits will be available during the prior week to help maximize your trip. Call us to schedule your appointments.
Who Should Attend?
• Moms, dads, students, kids interested in health, (10 years and up) and anyone interested in better health for their families.
• Nurses, Medical Assistants, Massage Therapists.
• Anyone who wishes to take charge of their own health and help others.
Note: This class is NOT for doctors. Doctor training will be held at a later date. Please contact our office if you are interested in receiving information about doctor training.
David A. Jernigan, D.C., B.S., founder of Hansa Center and developer of Bio-Resonance Scanning™ testing and treatment technique.
David R. Jowdy, D.C., one of the nation’s top Bio-Resonance Scanning™ practitioners and trainers.
Read more about our doctors at
Your tuition includes the following:
• 3 days of hands-on training classes with our doctors & staff (9am-12pm and 1-4pm Friday & Saturday, 9am-1pm Sunday)
• One Bio-Resonance Scanning™ training manual
• Lunch on Friday and Saturday at Hansa Center

Special “Early Bird” rate through December 16th - $500 ($50 deposit)
Regular registration December 17th and after - $600 ($150 deposit)
Call 316-686-5900, Ext. 1 OR e-mail TODAY for your application packet!
Application & payment must be received to complete registration.
Class rates do not include airfare, meals, or lodging costs.
Students of prior training classes receive 1/2 price fees!
Class minimum applies. Please wait on travel arrangements until you receive final confirmation.
Please contact us to be alerted of future classes.
After completing this course, you will receive a completion certificate and qualify for reduced rates on future Bio-Resonance Scanning™ training courses. Share