Friday, August 29, 2014

The Dual-Processors of the Body - The Heart and Brain

We continue our series on using PhonoCardiology to reveal your deepest issues affecting the correct function of your body and mind. You might be saying, “But I don’t have a heart problem.” This testing and treatment are not just about the heart.

PhonoCardiology has been around mainstream medicine for many years, however new advances in electronic stethoscopes that can now record the electromagnetic bio-regulation signals embedded within the sounds of the heart combined with new computer software have enabled the development of an entirely new way to reveal and ultimately help the body correct problems affecting every level of human experience.

NeuroCardial Synchronization is the term coined by David A. Jernigan, D.C. for the entire testing and treatment process enabled by phonocardiography.

Let me explain why PhonoCardiology combined with BioResonance Scanning are so important for whatever illness you may have.

Imagine if the brain was a computer and the heart was another computer, and both computers were networked (Linked) together. Each computer needs to cooperate together and communicate with each other in order to run the immune system, the genetic expression (epigenetics), the gastrointestinal system, the central and peripheral nervous system, the autonomic nervous system, the emotions, the cognitive functions, the rate of growth of every tissue, the detoxifications systems, the methylation systems, and all of the biochemistry, not to mention coordinating body and mind’s ability to adapt correctly to any change in its internal and external environment.

Because of what are essentially “software” flaws, from inherited and acquired problems, these two computers are not able to process the incoming data together as they were designed. Each computer had to deal with things in their own way. Neither of these computers was designed to function independently of the other. This lost of communication is what is called incoherence.

Medical research has determined that the heart has a brain of its own. This means your body is somewhat of a dual-processor bio-computer, with a processor in the heart and one in the head. (Please read my prior Health Tips on this subject)

When our doctors play a high-definition recording of your heart sounds through your ears, if the head and heart brains have glitches in communicating, it will cause a high amount of chaos within the bioregulation of the body, mind, and the entire energetic systems of the body.

You might say that forcing the head brain to listen to the heart brain sets off disharmonic frequencies in every system that both “computers” were attempting to deal with and neither was up to the task.

Our doctors can use BioResonance Scanning™ to help identify these disharmonic frequencies and then give the body the corrective frequencies that will re-establish optimum coherence on all levels. Once this is achieved, heart rhythm, rate, and functioning is often dramatically improved on repeat testing.

Once the head and heart are synchronized and communicating coherently, the body can then get on with healing itself, without as much interference from emotional, mental, energetic problems.

Never before have we been able to apply the levels of interference testing and dynamic treatment that is available now with the latest advancements in High Definition, electronic stethoscopes feeding into phonocardiology software, combined with the concepts of Biological Medicine and BioResonance Scanning™ in what we call NeuroCardial Synchronization™ (NCS).

NCS is not a stand alone treatment. If you have toxin accumulation, mold-issues, infections, structural problems, and so on, those issues need to directly addressed as well.

NCS will help every other treatment work better, since all healing is a function of the body, not a function of the medicines.

Remedies, supplements, and all good natural healing modalities are like the nails, screws, hammers, and saws for the carpenter which is your body.

Ideally, all treatments should work to identify anything interfering with optimum function, and provide the body with the assistance, building blocks, and information it needs in order for the body to heal itself.

To learn more watch this lecture presented by Dr. Jernigan on this topic:

The ideal doctor is not a specialist in diseases, but one who understands disease, yet specializes in restoring what is optimum.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Jernigan, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles and posts are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Jernigan and his community. Dr. Jernigan encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. Share

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Restoring the Optimum Function of the Heart

Although it is difficult to read this picture, the blue box at the top left shows what a normal phonocardiogram should look like. Each of the other boxes show some of the problems that can be found in a dysfunctional heart.

Phonocardiology, is the use of a high-definition, digital, electronic stethoscope, linked to a computer program in order to record the sounds of the heart. From these recordings we can identify problems in heart that are often undetectable using ECG's and other conventional heart tests. 

Phonocardiology, when used in tandem with the powerful testing ability of BioResonance Scanning™ is a system of treatment now called NeuroCardial Synchronization™(NCS). Since NCS is such a new innovation, a Google search will likely not get any hits on the topic. At this time NCS is only available at the Hansa Center for Optimum Health, in Wichita, Kansas.

Phonocardiology has the potential to identify problems in the heart arising from toxins, infections, hypoxia from poor hemoglobin synthesis, emotional and mental stress, structural, biochemical, and neurological problems. 

Correcting the problems identified on Phonocardiogram requires the doctor to determine what is interfering with the optimum structure and function of the problem area. This may be a musculoskeletal interference, a neuromuscular interference, an neuropsychological interference, a nutritional deficiency, a metabolic toxicity, allergy, just to name a few, but in all cases the treatments are using natural means to work to restore the optimum function and structure of what has gone wrong. No pharmaceuticals or invasive treatments are ever used by our doctors.

It appears that virtually every chronic illness has different heart problems associated with the illness. This shouldn't be a surprise when one considers that the heart plays such a huge role in regulating all of the DNA of the body, and is indeed secreting hormones that influence every tissue and organ in the body. 

People treated with have often stated that they experience not just a disappearance of their heart rhythm problems, but a greater sense of well-being on every level. As sense of well-being, peace, is the normal state of the heart that is functioning optimally.

At this time, our doctors are only working with people who are chronically ill, but who do not take pharmaceuticals for their heart. If you, like so many other people, abhor the idea of taking a pharmaceutical
for the rest of your life to deal with a heart issue, NeuroCardial Synchronization may offer a better solution. 

If you have any heart problems, such as cardiac arrhythmia, dysautonomia, chronic fatigue syndrome, cognitive disturbances, or other chronic illnesses this may offer you a way out of the nightmare. Clinical outcomes have been very encouraging. Without the use of pharmaceutical drugs we have been able to correct almost every case of arrhythmia, valve regurgitation, and tachycardia, when there is no irreparable damage to the heart.

The technology used in this treatment is so new that we have not trained any doctors outside of the Hansa Center yet. NeuroCardial Synchronization™ is a technique that we have pioneered here at the Hansa Center. The really nice thing is that the repeat phonocardiology testing verifies the effect of the treatments within each office visit, so there is no "over glamorizing" of this process. It either works and you can see the change on your phonocardiogram during that same visit, or it doesn't which you can also immediately see. Thankfully we are almost always seeing impressive improvements.

To learn more watch a lecture presented by Dr. Jernigan on this topic:

The ideal doctor is not a specialist in diseases, but one who understands disease, yet specializes in restoring what is optimum.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Jernigan, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles and posts are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Jernigan and his community. Dr. Jernigan encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

New Hope for Heart Problems!

You don't have to be a cardiologist, or have any healthcare training to be able to tell that the heart recording at the top of this series of phonocardiograms is completely messed up!

It might be surprising to know that all of these phonocardiograms were taken pre-and post treatment over the course of three consecutive days at the Hansa Center...not on an elderly person with years of heart disease, but on a high-level athlete at the collegiate level!

The first phonocardiogram at the top of the picture is completely arrhythmic, with irregular heart beats, as well as mitral and tricuspid valve regurgitation, where the valves are not closing properly. The heart beat is weak and inefficient, which likely was contributing to the athlete's inability to progress with the strength and endurance that would be expected from the many years of quality nutrition and the years of intense cardio and strength training.

The second phonocardiogram is the same day after about thirty minutes of targeted treatment with NeuroCardial Synchronization* (NCS). Already you can see that the taller spikes are more rhythmical and most of the extra beats are already gone. Amazingly, in just a matter of minutes, the heart valve regurgitation is gone. It is not a perfect heart beat yet, but definitely better, something no heart drug can achieve!

The third phonocardiogram is the next day before NCS treatment. Here we can see the residual positive effects of the natural treatments from the first treatment. If you look at the base line of this phonocardiogram you can see that the squiggly lines are smaller across the entire length of the reading. This is better than the day before. Even better is the baseline on the fourth reading and the heart sounds are very rhythmical.

The fifth phonocardiogram is the very next day...the third day of treatment. There is not much difference seen from the fourth reading, but there is dramatic improvement after that day's NCS treatment. The dramatic improvement of the heart is irrefutable. The patient also reported feeling much better and felt no heart palpitations and anxiety since the first treatment. This last reading is still not an absolutely perfect reading, but if someone went to the doctor with this last reading as their initial reading, then the doctor would not even bother doing's that good!

The doctors at the Hansa Center have seen literally thousands of people who are chronically sick and profoundly fatigued, who take every great sounding nutritional supplement and follow every new fad treatment. Most of these people never realize that the heart must be working correctly in order to fully heal. Our doctors feel that many people do not stand a chance at truly healing, or in the case of an athlete, to perform at their optimum level, because of their heart being so scambled like this person.

A doctor cannot help the body heal from what they don't know is messed up. These problems can only be detected on a high-definition, digital phonocardiogram. These heart problems often cannot be seen on an ECG. As a matter of fact, an ECG cannot show the possibility of even an impending heart attack. An ECG can only show a problem if you have already had a heart attack. The person whose recordings are pictured above had passed a recent ECG with "flying colors" just weeks before at their medical doctor's office.

You can pump up your immune system. You can detoxify your body. You can take bioidentical hormones. You can work out your muscles. All these things are great. You can do many great things for your body, but if your heart is scrambled, which can be the case even if you have no heart symptoms, you cannot be truly healthy. The heart is just that important.

Our doctors have only seen NeuroCardial Synchronization* be able to achieve such dramatic and lasting results. NCS is not about taking a drug forever, as in all mainstream pharmaceutical heart treatments. Once corrected at its cause, the improvements of NCS appear to last without having to take meds for years.

*NCS is an innovation developed by Dr. Jernigan at the Hansa Center for Optimum Health and therefore is not available anywhere else at this time. NCS is designed to help facilitate the restoration of the optimum, natural structure and function of the heart and brain coherence.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Jernigan, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles and posts are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Jernigan and his community. Dr. Jernigan encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.


Monday, August 25, 2014

Things Your Doctor Likely Doesn't Know About the Heart!


I am going to tell you things that virtually 100% of you (and likely your doctors) don't know. Don't read this if you want to continue believing the body works the way we all were taught.

We assume we understand how the body works. The brain runs the body. The heart is an organ that pumps the blood through the body. Could it be that we have been taught completely wrong?

It all just seems to be true, because our doctors and teachers said it is so. Lets take a look at what has been found to be true versus what you think is true.

Would it surprise you to know that the heart is no longer classified as an organ? It produces so many hormones that influence virtually every organ in the body, that it has now been reclassified by mainstream medicine as an endocrine gland!

The Heart Is Not A Pump!
Our most fundamental truth about the heart is that it pumps blood. Research now has demonstrated that the heart most definitely is not a “pressure pump” that pushes blood through the 250,000 miles of blood vessels in the body. It turns out that blood moves independently of the heart’s action through electromagnetic flux-induced, vortex action. (

So if the heart is not a pump, what is it? The heart is the generator of virtually the full spectrum of electromagnetic energy found in the body, and it is sensory tissue. Over 65% of the neurons in the heart are dedicated to reading/sensing changes inside and outside of your body. 

But doesn’t the brain control the entire body? No. The heart has a brain of its own and operates independently of the head brain.

Lets discuss another thing you likely “know” for certain. Time moves in one direction and is just the linear, ticking of the clock, ever forward. This is the type of time from which our head brain operates. The heart brain experiences time in a completely different manner. Research shows that the heart senses not only what is now, but also what will happen 5-10 seconds before any of the five senses in the head brain can even register what they are processing!

It only takes a red blood cell 16-20 seconds to leave the heart and go all the way to the toes and back again, so the heart experiences everything happening everywhere in the body virtually instantly. So on top of this, the heart is also operating on a different type of time, and is indeed the central brain of the body.

Everything experience in the conscious and subconscious mind that you have ever processed in your life has come through the heart brain first, which then sent the data to the head brain!

New Treatment Based Upon This New Understanding of the Heart
“So what?” You may be thinking. Disease and dysfunction arise from the incoherence between the heart brain and the head brain. Thanks to new technology we can now use HD audio, electronic stethoscopes that capture the control signals emitted by your heart and feed the recording of your heart into computerized software that shows us not only what is going on in your heart, but our doctors can then use our new innovation called NeuroCardial Synchronization™ to play back the high quality recording through headphones.

Playing the recording to your brain is much like taking a husband and wife who live under the same roof, but haven't really talked for years...the dust is going to fly!

The resulting problems of heart and brain disharmony can be detected by our doctors using BioResonance Scanning™, identify and correct the various types of incoherence between the head and the heart and the body.

The incoherent signals throw off every hormone and tissue, and lead to a breakdown in your body’s resistance to infections, and disease. Identifying them and correcting them can lead to optimum health in the body, mind, and spirit.

If you have POTS, cardiac arrhythmia, dysautonomia, chronic fatigue syndrome, or other chronic illnesses this may offer you a way out of the nightmare. Clinical outcomes have been very encouraging, without drugs we have been able to correct almost every case of arrhythmia, valve regurgitation, and tachycardia when there is no irreparable damage to the heart.

The ideal doctor is not a specialist in diseases, but one who understands disease, yet specializes in restoring what is optimum.